Some fun statistics for you to mull over:

  • 1 minute video = 1.8 MILLION words.

    It would take you over 150 days to write that content to fill what you can accomplish in a 1 minute video.  Can you say VIDEO BLOGGING

  • 50% of web traffic is for Video

    Online Video now accounts for VIDEO..

  • 55% of videos

    Are viewed online every day.

  • 69% of all consumer internet traffic

    Will be for video in 2017, as predicted by experts. That’s the equivalent of almost 4x as much as web browsing and email.

  • 79% Increase

    in web traffic for video by 2018.



  • 59% of senior executives agree

    That if both text and video are available on the same topic on the same page, they prefer to watch the video.

  • 81% of people feature

    Their video on their brand website.

  • 52% of marketers believe

    That video marketing is effective for brand awareness, lead generation (45%), and online engagement (42%).

  • Sites that include video

    have on average an extra two-minute dwell time compared to sites that don’t.  Talk about free SEO.

Cultural videos, Video Blogs, Sizzle Reels, You will find all those and more in the this section.


Cultural Videos

The Video of WHY you!

Cultural videos set you and your brand apart.  These answer the question of WHY you are different from your competition.  WHY should someone use your services or products?  Everyone says they have great customer service, but what sets YOU and your BUSINESS apart?  We live in a global economy.  We can buy things from anywhere and anyone…. WHY you?   Let this type of video set you apart.



Video Blogs

Content is King!

Video Blogs are a great way to start producing content for Youtube and Google.  Did you know Google owns Youtube?  Did you know that Youtube videos are the best way to get organically ranked?  Video blogging is the best thing you are can do for SEO. 





Sizzle Reels

Fun and upbeat

Sizzle reels are a great way to show off an event that you are putting on.   Does your company or charity have a Gala or large event you want to highlight to help promote it for next year?  Then Sizzle Reels are the way to do just that.  These are 2 minute videos that will show the audience and future audience exactly what they are missing.


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