Bangkok – I’m OK, and.. The Food

So the first post is almost always going to be a photo showing my Mom I am OK!!..  What can I say I have a mother that worries about me, and rightfully so.  I was an injury prone kid growing up.   One time I was told not to play on this steel fishtank thing back when I lived in Jersey City and guess what… Yep I played on it.. rocking back and forth.. What happened you ask?  Let me tell ya.   I feel hit my head, CRACKED my head open and bled like a, well a kid who just cracked his head wide open.   With blood pouring down my face (I was 5 or 6 mind you) I went running into the house to my mom and her friend nearly faint at the sight.   Rushed to the hospital and hours later I came away with some stitches and a scar.   And don’t get me into the time I slammed my thumb in a car door during the winter.  They cut my fingernail off in the emergency room and they said you could hear me on the second floor WAILING away.. True Story, just ask my mom.    So yea.. She has the right to worry.    So MOM.. I’m Ok!


So I have only been here for 4 days so far, but I can tell you I have eaten about 48 meals so far.  Snacks, meals, desserts, breakfast, tea, dinner, supper (those are for my English friends), and everything in between (you like that Oxford Comma don’t you).

This is hands down THE Best thing I have had so far in Bangkok.  Ihave had an average of 3 of these a day.  They are THAT good.  As you can see by the image below that is how good they are.  I could almost say they are orgasmic but my mom might be reading this (sorry mom), so I will just so they are  UH-Maz-IN.  (Another English joke).

Check out the ladies face in the pic.  She is really interested.. I imagine, just like in the movie”When Harry Met Sally” the old lady after Sally gets done faking the orgasm (again sorry mom), “I’ll have what she’s having”   Priceless.   Side note:  That woman that says that line is Rob Reiner‘s actual mother.  I could totally picture my mom delivering this line better.

Yep, her face says it all!


O, How to describe this?…. It’s a noodle based dish, but the one on the white side it’s salty with a cream base and on the other side (reddish side) its super sweet with cinnamon and sugar. You SHOULD NOT mix them as then your taste buds will not fully enjoy the flavors.   I did this anyway against suggestions, cause what can I say I am a rule breaker.  At the beginning though I took their suggestions.  So.. You take a little scoop on one side, then a little scoop on the other on the spoon and eat them as one bite…

SO.. When I mixed it up a little it’s true.. You can definitely tell the difference of flavors and it’s better when they are NOT mixed. I have no idea how or why, but it’s incredible.  Only $1.50.  It is another one of those local dishes that not many others know about. I can’t remember the name, but if you want to know drop me a line and I will be happy to get the answer for ya.


The obligatory “food in mouth” shot.   Sometimes I make the funniest faces.


Apparently some of the best Curry in Bangkok. ALL the locals eat at this woman’s stand.  It’s through this labyrinth in the Wang Lang Market.  It’s also apparently where all the locals go because everything is so Inexpensive.   I don’t want to say cheap, because that implies a lack of quality, and that is certainly NOT what this is.  This is top quality food made with love. The only issue..  You HAVE to take it to go and eat it later because they don’t serve it in bowls, just to go baggies. Interesting. Only $1 US for a complete bowl of Curry. YUM!


Ask anyone that knows me, even remotely knows me for that matter and they will tell you I LOVE sweets.  I used to eat dessert first at a restaurant just because I wasn’t sure I would be to find the dessert.  You can always bring home the meal, but never the dessert (they usually come with Ice Cream in my case).

Ok so back to sweets, I love them.. I mean I could live on them if I wasn’t afraid of getting diabetes, and Bangkok has no shortage of sweets.  I don’t get it though, everyone here is so in shape or fit.  Well most people I have met anyway. That being said I think I know why they are able to stay skinny, they WALK everywhere.  That’s not too easy for a guy from Tampa, FL.  We don’t walk.  We get a ride or take an Uber.  Walking.. only if it’s less than 3 blocks.

Ok back to sweets (these tangents are killing me).   They have so many..  Cakes, and pastries, and sweet cream, fruit tarts, and fresh fruit (not a sweet persay, but it does the trick, and smoothies, and … and …and so many more things.

This is the place to be for food (for now!)

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4 Responses to Bangkok – I’m OK, and.. The Food

  1. Debbie Lundberg says:

    Looks like your adventurous spirit, your desire to explore, and your belly, are all FULL! Stay safe and keep enjoying!

  2. Shane Marine says:

    Brother, looks like you are having a great time and I am glad that you are safe. The food looks great and I’m looking forward to many more updates! I should be there!

  3. Debra Dandar says:

    Hello Ryan, my name is Debbie Dandar, I am Debra Dandars’ daughter. My mother sent me this link to your blog to follow you on your trip around the world. Very proud of you! Looks amazing so far. I also started travelling about three years ago but only in the United states. I do travel nursing and I love it. Enjoy your trip. Can’t wait to see more.

  4. David Brown says:

    Amazing pictures of the travel! I am enjoying it! It is like as I am with you around the world!

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