So this post is dedicated as you would guess to my mother. She got some bad news recently, so keep her in your prayers… You’re my rock MA! So this is for you..
Hi Ma, I’m OK! As you can see this place is amazing and I wish you could experience it with your eyes. Maybe one day but for now you can see it through my eyes (err lens). Love ya.
What can I say. This might be one of the most amazing places I have ever seen with my own eyes. I HAVE seen some incredible pictures that take my breath away, but in person, this is probably tops on my list. Of course IF I ever see Scarlett Johanssen in person that might take the cake, but that’s a different story.
I am pretty much going to let the picture below do the talking. This day is also pretty memorable for me because it was the first time I was ever in a helicopter, which is where a good bit of the photos are taken from. SO enjoy the images below and if you have any questions or comments please leave them below for me.
And I present the 12 Apostles
And my favorite!
As always. Thanks so much for reading and please let me know what you think. Of course Like and Share it as well.
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Ryan G
Awesome! living vicariously through your posts! Big hug!!!
Wow! Incredible photography! Truly amazing!